So a top McCain aid has publicly stated that if McCain continues to talk about the economy, he will lose...hilarious. That's the nose-bleed section of embarrassment right there. I can imagine McCain telling his advisors: "Nothing is FUCKED??? The Goddamn plane has crashed into the mountain!!!" Yeahhhh, that campaign is an epic disaster. I think he has some soul-searching to do, in order to figure out how on Earth he ever thought he was the least bit presidential...sorry, little guy, but those cookies are for NEVER. My question to the Republican Party is: this is your best and brightest? Erratic, angry, irritable, robotic, condescending, reactionary...this is your candidate, GOP. I know for a fact that most Republicans are rational, balanced, respectful, tempered people, but you really aren't representing yourself very well. We want a worthy adversary.
As for Sarah Palin - whoa, boy. I could write War and Peace II on this woman. I was recently asked is she understands the concept of answering questions, to which I reply: only if the question matches what was written (by someone else) on her index cards. Then she's fine if she "reads it good." If not, McCain told her to either say "maverick" repeatedly, or say something uber-cheesy Midwestern like "You Betcha," or "Doggoneit." Way to choose a legally retarded running mate, old man. Okay, I admit that went a little far. But don't you think we should be holding our potential elected officials to a higher standard? None of this "he/she is just like me" baloney. I happen to believe that that attitude is setting the bar waaayyyy too low, and quite frankly, pretty narcissistic. I certainly don't think that I'M qualified for the job. Yikes. No, I want my country to be lead by someone EXTRAordinary. But maybe I just haven't noticed mediocrity as the latest American fad.
McCain's and Palin's continual avoidance of the issues - which has been replaced by a completely nonsequitous discussion on Obama's past "associations" - is becoming laughable. I'm literally LOLing while the McCain campaign keeps groping for larger shovels, thinking it'll do the trick in the 1,000-foot deep quarry they've already delved. These connections of Obama's, while not gold stars on his record, are completely moot when considering the man AND the myth. We've all made mistakes in our past, including not necessarily hanging with the best crowd. We've learned from these mistakes. I see someone like The Barack making far better judgement calls in the RECENT years than McCain, (even IF he has butted heads with his own party) on every issue across the board this election. You name it, Obama displayed better judgement. This is the conversation that should occur between the candidates, not one about the creepy anarchist guy who lived down the street from Obama's elementary school!
As a dear friend pointed out to me, when McCain panicked and "suspended" his campaign to tackle the financial crisis and appear presidential, the campaign still ran over 13,000 advertisements on television and online. Hmmmmm. suspended...the campaign??? But still ran your ads? I'm sorry, what does suspend mean again? When I was suspended from school, I wasn't really aloud to continue going to class, or to even enter the building. That's odd. I guess when you're running for president, you're aloud to reinvent terms. Boy, do I have a lot to learn!
In conclusion, this year I'm registered to vote in the state of Missouri, which is in the same category as my home state, Ohio: Class 2 - Backward, but with Enough Forward-Thinking Citizens to Make Things Interesting/Frustrating. So, as a former right-leaning voter who (please don't kill me) voted for Bush-Cheney in the state of Ohio (ouch), I must say that I will repent by helping another swing state get the fate of this nation back on the track of progress by electing an EXTRAordinary senator from Illinois - The Barack!
...more on this subject and many others henceforth...
P.S. Obama said knock you out!
Poignant indeed...